This bourbon root beer float recipe takes it to a whole new delicious level with a shot of bourbon and a drizzle of caramel!
Weeeeellll. I'm a bit late with this bourbon root beer float recipe. I was going to post it yesterday, but got distracted, and then I was going to post it this morning, but got distracted.
So here I am, posting this cocktail recipe on a Sunday afternoon. But that's OK, because cocktails are tooootally in order on summery Sunday afternoons, right?
Especially if ice cream, bourbon and caramel sauce are involved, right? OK good. So we're on the same page 😉
We've actually had a pretty quiet week-end here, getting ready to really get back into the swing of things because tomorrow Kai is going back to day care and I will return to my dungeon office where I will continue plugging along on my thesis. It's coming. Verrry slowly, but at least it's doing something, right?
I even have a tentative defense date: December 14. Which seems SO far away, but I'm sure that the fall will just be flying by! I'm pretty excited to have an actual date in my mind. I will be done by Christmas, and you'll all have to call me doctor by the end of 2015. Not a doctor-doctor, a Sheldon Cooper-doctor. (LOL who has seen that episode?)
OK...thesis and defence ramblings aside. How about bourbon root beer float ramblings? With ice cream, and bourbon, and caramel syrup. And they're ridiculously easy to make and ridiculously easy to drink. And they're going to make you ridiculously happy, because when you drink a root beer float, it just feels like summer. Because repeat after me: it's still summer. No more of this pumpkin nonsense!